Student Honour Code Committee

As one of the distinctive features of our College, the Student Honour Code guides our students to be aware of their actions, and to learn to take responsibility for what they do in the College community. The Student Honour Code Committee (SHCC) is elected to manage the Honour Code and to deal with any behaviour that is inconsistent with it, promoting the spirit of self-governance, honesty, mutual respect and support within the College community.

The Ninth Student Honour Code Committee (2021–22)

The nomination for the Ninth SHCC was completed in early July 2021. Four students have been declared elected as members of this student body. Its Chairperson will be elected among the members. Their term of office will begin on the first day of the academic year 2021–22. The membership is shown below:

Name Year of Study Major
CHEN Yanyan 2 Professional Accountancy
FU Ka Yan 1 Japanese Studies
GAO Feiyu 1 Engineering
WU Wenyi 1 Science

Congratulations to the above students!

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Professor Wai-Yee CHAN Expresses Appreciation to College Staff Members
Cultus et Beneficentia Awards
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Student Honour Code Committee
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