Highlight: Emails Impersonate CUHKer: Are you available? Quick Help Needed !!!
Be cautious while reading emails asking for your immediate assistance, especially those look like your colleagues or CUHKers but ask for your personal information, payment or gift cards!
Recent reports of email impersonation scams appeared to be sent from University Senior Management such as Faculty Deans, Department heads, etc. These emails usually start with a simple greeting and then request for gift cards or else.
Common email subjects
Example |
- Are you available?
- Urgent: Follow Up Immediately
- Request / Urgent Report
- Quick Help / Assistance
- Response Needed

While receiving these emails,
- NEVER reply to the email or click any hyperlink in the email.
- Confirm its authenticity by
- requesting the sender to email with CUHK email address (alias@cuhk.edu.hk) or
- calling / texting your colleague.
- Report to your departmental IT support / ITSC
Visit https://www.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/all-it/information-security/phishing-email-web-fraud-alert/ for details.
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