2013 No.4
The Tenth Graduate Seminar on China
The Tenth Graduate Seminar on China will be held between 8 and 11 January 2014. This annual seminar aims to enhance the development of contemporary China studies, encourage academic exchange between young scholars and broaden the horizons of young scholars through the sharing of research findings and discussion.

Since 2004, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Universities Service Centre for China Studies (USC) and the CUHK Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies have co-organised the annual Graduate Seminar on China (GSOC). Held in January each year, the Seminar provides chances for PhD candidates in China studies to share and discuss their research findings. All participants are welcome to stay at the Centre before and/or after the Seminar to conduct research.

The Tenth GSOC will take place from Wednesday, 8 January to Saturday, 11 January 2014. Fifty-six PhD candidates will present their thesis findings at the Seminar and several distinguished China studies scholars will be invited as keynote speakers. Anyone interested is welcome. Please find more details at http://gsoc.usc.cuhk.edu.hk/.

Back to Issue
Who are the Chinese?
Event: 2013 ICS Luncheon V – The Establishment of the Ancient Chinese Lexicon Database: A New Research Approach to the Dating of Texts and the Transmission of Philosophical Thought
Event: 2013 ICS Luncheon VI – Household Registration Records: A Case Study of the Liye Qin and Xuanquan Han Bamboo Slips
Event: 2013 ICS Luncheon VII – Chinese Cultural Classics: Reading and Teaching
Event: Boulevard Echoes‧Chinese Music Lunchtime Performance, jointly presented by the Institute of Chinese Studies and the Department of Music
New Publications
"CHINA UNEARTHED: Soaring Phoenix Rising Dragon". An Exhibition that Traces the 8,000 Years of the Phoenix's Story
The Tenth Graduate Seminar on China
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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