Jul 2023     Issue 21
CUHK students win first prize in the Cloud track of the Huawei Asia Pacific ICT Competition

The CUHK student team “Cloud Players” recently won first prize in the Cloud track of the Huawei Asia Pacific ICT Competition. The team will represent the Asia-Pacific region in the global competition. 

The competition covered wide-ranging topics like AI, cloud computing, storage and big data, including theoretical understanding of concepts and practical lab implementations. After a series of online training and several rounds of assessments, the team “Cloud Players” from CUHK was awarded the First Prize. Under the guidance of their instructor Professor Guoliang Xing from the Department of Information Engineering, the team formed by Chun To Chu from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Haoyu Zhang from the Department of Information Engineering and Wenyu Zhang from the Department of Statistics triumphed for their knowledge and outstanding performance. 

The Huawei Asia-Pacific ICT Competition 2023 was held in Jakarta, Indonesia in March, and attracted more than 4,800 Huawei ICT Academy students and teachers from 290 leading universities and colleges across 10 countries. With the theme of Connection, Glory and Future, the Huawei ICT Competition is a powerful tool that empowers students and teachers to stay ahead of the curve and drive innovation in the industry.

More details: https://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/en/press/huawei-hong-kong-strengthens-collaboration-with-local-universities-to-cultivate-digital-talents-in-the-education-industry-cuhk-won-first-prize-in-the-cloud-track-of-the-huawei-ict-competition/
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