The International Conference on Yue Dialects is a prestigious annual academic event in the field of Chinese linguistics and is organized by the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangdong, and Guangxi in a rotational manner. Having the 20th International Conference on Yue Dialects at The Chinese University of Hong Kong is momentous. The first one was held at CUHK in 1987, the 10th conference was organized by CUHK in 2005, and in 2015, the 20th was "back", which was held at CUHK on 11–12 December, 2015, organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, co-organized by the T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, and sponsored by the Faculty of Arts, CUHK, New Asia College, United College, and the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The theme of the conference was on "Comparative Grammar", with a special focus on the properties of Cantonese grammar under formal approaches, diachronic grammar, and interface studies, which provided an ideal occasion for experts and students in the field from different parts of the world to share current research findings on Cantonese and other Yue dialects. 