Let's Have Greener User Areas!
How can you help make our User Areas more environmentally friendly? In the recent waste reduction pilot programme conducted by EMO, approximately 20% recyclable waste, mainly drinking bottles and cans, were found in the general waste in our User Areas, while that of other participated areas/offices is only 4%. To lessen the burden of our landfills, your help and consideration are very important. Let's go green and take a few more steps! A set of recycling bins are there in G/F lobby, Pi Chiu. Remember to RINSE the used bottles and cans before disposal. EMO is also considering placing a new set of recycling bins (Plastic, Paper and Metal) in User Areas. Details will be announced soon. For details on what can be recycled and the recycling location, please refer to the following CPSO's posting http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/resources/recycling_tips-Poster.pdf.
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