Sep 2024     Issue 24
Prof. Zhou Renjie and his team win Prestigious Best Paper Award in ICCP 2024
Professor Zhou Renjie and his team have been awarded the IEEE international conference on computational photography (ICCP) Best Paper Award for 2024 for the paper titled “High-performance real-world optical computing trained by in situ gradient-based model-free optimization”. The authors are PhD student Mr. Zhao Guangyuan, former HKPFS awardee Dr. Shu Xin and Professor Zhou Renjie, all from the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

ICCP is a well-recognized conference on computational photography, and one best paper award is selected to recognize its outstanding research contributions. Mr. Zhao and Dr. Shu equally contributed to this work, under the supervision of Professor Zhou. Their paper was presented orally at the ICCP 2024 in EPFL, Switzerland, in July 2024. The paper is simultaneously accepted to the prestigious AI journal IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). Other teams participating in this conference were from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, ETH, EPFL, Technion, etc. 


International conference on computational
photography (ICCP)  Best Paper Award 2024

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