Center for Housing Innovations
Chan, F., Leung, C. C., & Lee, T. (2019, February). Trial use of computer model & thermography equipment for enhancing a salt water pumping station: Technical solution for asset and energy efficiency improvement in Hong Kong. In Transition and transformation of green building for sustainable human habitats in tropical and subtropical regions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Tropical and Subtropical Green Building Council Alliance & 9th Cross-Strait Green Building Technology Development Forum, Hong Kong (pp. 230–238). Hong Kong: China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council.
Chang, P. H. W. (2019, February). Green learning – E.CO habitat. In Transition and transformation of green building for sustainable human habitats in tropical and subtropical regions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Tropical and Subtropical Green Building Council Alliance & 9th Cross-Strait Green Building Technology Development Forum, Hong Kong (pp. 106–110). Hong Kong: China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council.
Chao, M. C. S., Tsou, K., & Tsou J. Y. (2019, February). Implementation of therapeutic landscapes through urban farm approach in high-density urban context: Hong Kong as an example. In Transition and transformation of green building for sustainable human habitats in tropical and subtropical regions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Tropical and Subtropical Green Building Council Alliance & 9th Cross-Strait Green Building Technology Development Forum, Hong Kong (pp. 150–156). Hong Kong: China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council.
China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council. & Center for Housing Innovations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Eds.). (2019). Transition and transformation of green building for sustainable human habitats in tropical and subtropical regions: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Tropical and Subtropical Green Building Council Alliance & 9th Cross-Strait Green Building Technology Development Forum, Hong Kong Science Park, 16–18 November 2018. Hong Kong: China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council.
Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Yim, Y. C. S., & Wu, N. (2019, February). The challenges and opportunities in practicing green campus and green education in an existing typical post-2000's secondary school in Hong Kong by introducing a smart cloud-based electricity metering system. In Transition and transformation of green building for sustainable human habitats in tropical and subtropical regions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Tropical and Subtropical Green Building Council Alliance & 9th Cross-Strait Green Building Technology Development Forum, Hong Kong (pp. 96–102). Hong Kong: China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council.
Centre for Social and Political Development Studies
Ong, K. C., Zheng, V., & Wong, S. L. (2019). Biography of Lee Man Tat: Legend of the sauce king. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd.
Zheng, V., Wan, P. S., & Gao, H. (2018). Dynamism in adversity: A comparative study of trends in the performance of listed family- and non-family-controlled companies in Hong Kong, 1997–2014. East Asia, 35(4), 359–378.
International Affairs Research Centre
Wong, Seanon S. (2019). Stoics and hotheads: Leaders' temperament, anger, and the expression of resolve in face-to-face diplomacy. Journal of Global Security Studies, 4(2), 190–208.
Wong, Seanon S. (2018). Mapping the repertoire of emotions and their communicative functions in face-to-face diplomacy. International Studies Review, 0, 1–21.
Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development
Shen, J., & Kee, G. (2019). Yangtze River Delta. In A.M. Orum (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.