04. 11. 2019 Issue 67
Faculty Distinguished Lecture Series

The Faculty Distinguished Lecture Series was exclusively hosted throughout the academic year of 2018-19 to celebrate CUHK's 55th anniversary. Ten important topics on a broad array of stimulating science areas were brought forward for discussion by world renowned scholars and leading scientists.



Professor David G. DRUBIN

Thoughts about Science Careers and Publishing

Professor Jianqing FAN

Statistics: Genesis of Machine Learning and AI

Professor Gregory C. FU

Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions: A Radical Alternative to SN1 and SN2 Reactions

Professor William D. JONES

Cleavage and Formation of Carbon-Carbon Bonds at Transition Metal Centers: Elucidating Factors that Control Selectivity

Professor Takaaki KAJITA

Neutrino and Gravitational Wave Research in Kamioka

Professor Kam W. LEONG

Future Prospects of Biomaterials and Nanomedicine

Dr. Ruby Lai-Yung LEUNG

Global Warming and Extreme Events

Professor David SIEGMUND

Change-point Detection: Past and Present

Professor Qikun XUE

Physics beyond Ohm's Law

Professor Shing Tung YAU

The Past and Future of HK Higher Education: Difficulties in Development of Science and Technology

Speakers not only presented their current research results, but also shared their enthusiasm and dedication in Science and beyond to audiences. Scholars, teachers, and students were all inspired by their interpretation on science theories, outstanding impact on diverse fields of research, and sharing on practical implications and future directions.

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Table of Contents
Faculty Distinguished Lecture Series
"The Pursuit of Wisdom" Public Lecture Series
Faculty Research Day 2019
Annual Tea Gathering 2018-19
Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduate Students
Introductory Lecture for The Shaw Prize Lecture 2019 (Life Science and Medicine)
Discovering New Pattern-forming Paradigm
Science Professors Elected into Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Research Excellence Award & Young Researcher Award
Figuring out Magnetic Solution to Purify Contaminated Water
Developing an Urban-scale Nowcasting System for Effective Weather Forecast
HKSTPC Silver Technopreneur Award
Science Alumni's Effort to Improve Cancer Treatment
The Only Hong Kong Student Joining the International Science Summer Institute 2019
University of Oxford Croucher Scholarship
2018 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award (Physical/ Mathematical Sciences)
Postgraduate Research Output Award 2018
CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award 2018
Chemistry Letters Young Award
Deanery Members and Appointment of Associate Dean (Education)
Choh-Ming Li Professorships and Outstanding Fellowships

Past Issue