16. 12. 2018    ISSUE 14

Visit of the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK (SZ)

A five-member delegation led by Dr. Peter Yu, Acting Director of the Office of Student Affairs, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen visited this Centre on 29 November 2018.  Other delegates included Dr. Wang Kai and Ms. Tang Jie, both Deputy Directors of the Office of Student Affairs, etc.

Ms. Irene Ng, the Director of this Centre, gave a brief introduction on the I·CARE Programme and the delegation took the opportunity to particularly understand the Student Development Portfolio and the Report of Experiential Learning Activities.  The student information system adopted in the Shatin campus, namely CUSIS, was also discussed among other issues during the meeting.

The visit has enhanced bilateral exchange and paved the way for future collaboration in the areas like social enterprise start-up and service learning.

Visit of the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK (SZ)

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Table of Contents


Meet with Sir David Akers-Jones

I·CARE Theatre 2019 - Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella

I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme: Second Round of Application Opened

Support I·CARE by the Purchase of CUHK 2019 Calendar

Report of Experiential Learning Activities

Visit of the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK (SZ)

A Walk in Community with I·CARE: Second Session Completed

Germany Trip of Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK

Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Mobile Truck: Journey Started

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Phase One Completed

Event Calendar


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