New Electronic Functions in CUSAP
Two CUSAP e-functions have been rolled out in January 2021 to all departments/units. Here we summarize the features and benefits of the 2 new functions:
- E-Invoicing and E-Receipts Functions (e-CI&RV)
- A centralized system with decentralized functions like invoice creation / sending, receipt booking, enquiry of past invoices and overdue information for D/Us.
- Most invoice information and fields are pre-printed, pre-filled or searchable.
- Auto-sending of overdue reminders to customers plus overdue report with ageing analysis.
- University Suppliers’ Directory (USD)
- Quicker display of supplier search result.
- New search functions by category number and category name.
- Multiple fields search at the same time.
- User-friendly function to filter and sort searched results which can easily be exported to excel file.
- A way to add/view ratings and comments about the suppliers.
- Display a list of suppliers penalized by the University.
Enquiries / Comments: Project Details and Use of CUSAP: CUSAP project website Finance Office - CUSAP (
* According to Finance Office’s plan, the existing Debit Note System (a FNO-monitored system with no decentralized functions) will be gradually phased out and fully overtaken by the e-CI&RV system in about 6 months’ time. And having the e-payment workflow launched for almost one year, the manual workflow for settling supplier invoices will no longer be accepted starting from April 2021. Department / units are recommended to switch to e-payment, e-invoicing and e-receipt functions in CUSAP.

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