28 APR 2021 ISSUE 9
7. Do You Know

What Kind of Library Materials Enjoy the Unlimited Automatic Renewal of Loans?

All library items loaned out with an initial loan period of 30 days or more enjoy unlimited automatic renewal unless:
  • the item is recalled or requested by another library user;
  • it is a short loan item (e.g. Course Reserves, current periodicals etc.);
  • it is not a CUHK item (e.g. HKALL items, ILL items);
  • the borrower has reached the maximum fine limit;
  • the borrower has a long-overdue item not yet returned to the Library; 
  • the borrower’s borrowing privileges have been suspended, terminated or expired. 

Please note that once a recalled item is overdue, all items under the borrowers account will not be able to be renewed until the recalled item is returned. Users may check their loans online via “My Library Record”. The new due date is calculated from the date of renewal. 

For more information on our borrowing services, please visit: 

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Table of Contents
1. From the University Librarian
2. CUHK Library’s Rare Books Selected for the National Catalogue of Precious Ancient Books
3. Collection Spotlight
4. New Acquisitions
5. What's New & Upcoming?
6. Meet Our Library Staff
7. Do You Know
8. Contact Us

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