Prof Wai-Yee CHAN, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor of Biomedical Sciences, stepped down as College Master at the end of June 2021. The couple, Prof CHAN and Mrs CHAN, hosted a lunch for College staff members at a restaurant in Ma On Shan on 29 June. Prof Thomas AU, Associate Master and Dean of Students, Prof Kenneth YOUNG, Founding Master, and College staff gathered there to thank the leaving Master for his leadership and significant contribution to the College over the past few years.
On this happy occasion, a thank-you card full of appreciation messages from the College management team and staff was presented to Prof CHAN by Ms Melody LEE, College Secretary. Prof CHAN expressed his gratitude to the attendees for the messages contained in the card and for the staunch support they gave in running the College. Seasoning the lunch with his humour, he reminded his guests that he was not bidding farewell, as he was neither retiring nor leaving the College, and they would still be able to work with him to serve the College.
After completion of his Mastership, Prof CHAN will continue to serve the College as Senior Advisor to the Master, and as a Fellow of the College.
The College wishes him all the best in the days ahead!