55 Engineering professors, i.e., more than one-third of the academic staff of the Faculty of Engineering, are listed as the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University in its recently updated science-wide author database. 3 of them are ranked among the top 100 of their respective fields. This recognition manifests the substantial impacts of the research accomplished by the Faculty members, and hence their research strengths worldwide.
Stanford University published in October 2023 its updated database (version 6) of the top 2% scientists that are most widely cited till end of citation year 2022. In this update of the database, over 100,000 top worldwide scientists in 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields are ranked. The ranking is twofold: the scientists’ career-long citation impacts up to the end of 2022 and their impacts specific to the year 2022. Among the 55 Engineering professors of CUHK, 54 of them are on the career-long ranking list, and 42 are on the list of the single-year impacts in 2022. The ranking in the database is based on various indicators, for instance the number of citations they received, their individuals’ scientific research output, and citations to papers in different authorship positions.
The database could be downloaded at: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6. This version of the database details out various standardized citation metrics of individual top-cited scientists, such as h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index and a composite indicator (c-score), according to the 1 October 2023 snapshot of the data updated to end of citation year 2022 by Scopus, an abstract and citation database covering over eight million records of scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines.
A list of the aforementioned 55 Engineering professors is available here.