A series of events was launched to celebrate the silver anniversary of Twenty-First Century Bimonthly. We were very honoured to have members of the Journal's editorial board join us at our anniversary dinner held on 31 October 2015 to express their support towards the journal. They included Professor Chen-Ning Yang; Professor Ambrose King, Professor Fanny Cheung, CUHK Pro Vice-Chancellor; Professor Leung Yuen Sang, ICS and Centre Director; Professor Lai Chi Tim, ICS Associate Director; and Dr Yu Kwok Leung, ICS Assistant Director. Renowned scholars Professor Qin Hui and Professor Y.S. Chien from mainland China and Taiwan, respectively, were also in attendance.
Two public talks were held in November 2015. A dialogue between Professor Y.S. Chien (Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) and Mr Leung Man Tao was organised on 2 November at New Asia Concourse with Associate Professor Chow Po Chung, Faculty of Government and Public Administration, CUHK and editorial board member, Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, as the anchor. Around 200 people attended. Starting at 4:30 pm, the event lasted for two and a half hours. The second public talk was presented by Professor Xu Jilin, Department of History, East China Normal University, at Y.C. Liang Hall and was hosted by Professor Leung Yuen Sang, ICS and Centre director. The responses to the two talks were enthusiastic and attendees actively participated in the discussions.
A closed-door conference, co-organised with the Inter-Asia School, was held on 12–14 November 2015 at the ICS. The conference was sponsored by Hanart Forum with the aim of developing research ideas around the comparison of China's Cultural Revolution with America's counter-culture rebellion of the 1960s. Dr. Yu Kwok Leung, Associate Director of the ICS and the Centre, and Mr. Chang Tsong-Zung from Hanart TZ Gallery hosted the two-and-a-half-day conference. More than ten scholars, including Professors He Zhaotian, Yang Xiaoyan, and Jin Dalu from mainland China and Professors Siegfried Zielinski, Johan Hartle, Michael Oppitz, and Boris Groys from Europe and Russia presented papers. Videos of the above two public talks and news of upcoming events can be found at: 1) The Centre's website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/rcccc/event_main.html 2) Twenty-First Century Bimonthly Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cuhk21c/ 3) Twenty-First Century Bimonthly Weibo http://www.weibo.com/ics21c |