2020 Sep | Volume 183

Emails Flooding? Stay Alert to Frauds

Probably, your mailbox is full of emails now, bringing all the essential information to you to start your semester.

While reading emails, please be aware of phishing emails, aiming to steal your account information or even properties.

Example of typical phishing emails:

  1. Does the email ask for your personnel information or account verification?
  2. Does the email look so different from the mass mails you generally received?
  3. Does the email have a hyperlink unmatched with the URL it displays to you?
  4. Is there any spelling mistake, apparent grammatical mistake or meaningless subject?
  5. Does the email ask you to open a file with a general message but without any description?
  6. Is https://xxx.cuhk.edu.hk absent from the login website URL?

If the answer is Yes, this probably is a phishing website or email! You are under a risk of identity theft if you act according to this phishing!

Top 10 common phishing email subject lines

  1. Are you available? / Are you at your office?
  2. Quick Help / Assistance / Response Needed
  3. Payment / Transaction Notification
  4. Account Verification
  5. ALERT! Office 365 Password About To Expire
  6. Important Notice: Verify your account NOW!
  7. Your account was under attack! Change your access data!
  8. I own your information!
  9. I was able to hack you, and stole the information!
  10. [ITSC-CUHK] 你的OnePass賬戶正在被盜用


Check http://www.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb/all-it/information-security/phishing-email-web-fraud-alert to know how to deal with them.

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