The special preview and opening ceremony of the exhibition Restrained Lustre: Chinese Jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang Collection was held on 30 October 2015. The officiating guests included The Honourable Mr. Justice Robert Tang and Mrs. Cissy Tang; Professor Benjamin W. Wah, Provost of CUHK; Mr. Christopher Mok, Chairman, Advisory Committee, Art Museum, CUHK; Professor Leung Yuen Sang, Director, ICS, CUHK; Professor Zhang Wei, Researcher of the Shanghai Museum; Professor Josh Yiu, Acting Director, Art Museum, CUHK; and Professor Xu Xiaodong, Associate Director, Art Museum, CUHK. The exhibition features a selection of 109 Chinese jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang collection, spanning from Neolithic times to the late Qing period, with a special focus on ornaments, human-like sculptures and accoutrements of the literati. It opened to the public on 28 November 2015. 