Several film screenings and seminars are being organized by the Centre for China Studies in the Spring term. Please feel free to join us!
Film Screenings Date | Film Screenings | Location | 26 Feb 7:00 - 9:15pm | Liu Yichang: 1918《1918: 劉以鬯》 Followed by a Q&A session with cinematographer Mr. Yuen Chi Him and producer Prof. Mary Wong Shuk Han | LT3, Esther Lee Building | 26 Mar 6:30 - 9:15pm | Boundary: Leung Ping-Kwan《東西》 Followed by a Q&A session with cinematographer Mr. Yuen Chi Him and producer Prof. Mary Wong Shuk Han | LT3, Esther Lee Building | 10 Apr 7:30 - 9:15pm | The Posterist 《海報師: 阮大勇的插畫藝術》 Followed by a Q&A session with director Hui See-Wai | LT2, Esther Lee Building |
Seminars Date | Seminars | Location | 7 Mar 4:30 - 6:00pm | "'I didn't think we'd be like them'; Or, Wong Kar Wai, Hongkonger" by Dr. Jason S. Polley
| Room 1118-1119, Yasumoto International Academic Park | 28 Mar 4:30 - 6:00pm | "The Widening Gulf Across the Taiwan Strait: Law, Criminal Justice, and Human Rights" by Prof. Margaret K. Lewis | USC, 8/F, Ting Ka Ping Bldg | 9 Apr 4:30 - 6:00pm | "The Social Credit System: A New Mode of Governance in China?" by Dr. Severine Arsene | Room 1118-1119, Yasumoto International Academic Park | 19 Apr 4:30 - 6:00pm | A talk by Prof. Ellen Hertz | Room 1118-1119, Yasumoto International Academic Park |
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