Sep 2024     Issue 24
PhD student under supervision of Prof. Tsang Hon Ki wins the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference

Mr. HU Gaolei, a year-4 PhD student under supervision of Professor Tsang Hon Ki won one of the three Best Student Paper Awards at the IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference held in Tokyo on 15-18 April 2024 for his paper "Multimode-Fiber Imaging Using a Wavelength-Scanned Integrated Optical Phased Array”. He received a cash prize of 50,000 Yen sponsored by Sumitono Corporation. The prize recognized his innovative method for getting images from light transmitted by a multimode optical fiber in a single pixel imaging system.

Mr. Hu experimentally demonstrated how to recover high-resolution images with an optical fiber by using a silicon photonic chip to control the phases of the light in different modes in the multimode optical fiber illuminating the object to be imaged. The technique paves the way for future ultra-compact optical fiber based endoscopic imaging systems which make use of optical fibers of less than 0.2mm in diameter for imaging difficult to reach parts of the body in minimally invasive surgery, for example in deep brain imaging.

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(From left to right) 
Dr. Rai Kou, General Co-Chair (from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Representative from the prize sponsoring company Sumitomo Corporation, Kyushu Co. Ltd, Mr. HU Gaolei, Dr. Shinji Matsuo, General Co-Chair (from NTT Device Technologies Laboratories, Japan)

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