04 Nov 2014 Issue no .100
Various Talks

  • Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History 2014 - Chung Chi College & New Asia College
  • Talk on "How to Expand the Learning Potential of Your Child?" - The Institute of Human Communicative Research
  • Dialogue with the Expert: Tour to Arctic - Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change
  • Public Lecture on Medication Safety in Acute Coronary Syndrome - School of Pharmacy
  • Health Talk on "Impaired Glucose and Diabetes" - Centre of Research and Promotion of Women's Health
  • Alumni Activities

  • Annual General Meeting - United College Alumni Association
  • Autumn BBQ Day - BBA Alumni Association
  • Inauguration Ceremony - EMBA Alumni Association
  • Lunch Gathering, AGM, Election and Talk - Geography and Resource Management Alumni Association
  • Talk and Alumni Dinner 2014 - Chinese Language and Literature Alumni Association
  • School Visit Trip to Ten Xian, Guangxi and Feng Kai, Guangdong 4 days - Baby Bamboo Operation
  • Countdown to 2014 CUHK Alumni Homecoming
    (29 Nov)

    A wide selection of programmes including various talks, thematic visits, Opening Ceremony cum Donation Presentation Ceremony of "One Day One Dollar" Campaign, departmental open houses, carnival/game/photo booths, variety show, Children's Merry Land with giant slide, bouncy castle, electric toy cars and more will be available for participants from all ages to choose from at the 2014 CUHK Alumni Homecoming on 29 Nov (Sat). Register now and get ready for a day of fun!
    University News

  • CUHK Marathon Team – Registration for Support Team
  • Open Consultation of 5th UC Student Hostel
  • Release of 2015 Graduate Resume Book of MBA Programs - "A PALETTE of GLOBAL TALENT"
  • Alumni Benefits

  • Rooms Offer for CUHK Alumni - Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin
  • Exclusive Offer for Alumni - The Chinese University Press Bookstore
  • Special Offers from CM Mobile
  • CUHK Alumni Homecoming x CU Chorus Concert Featuring Joseph Koo as Guest Conductor

    With a career spanning over 50 years, Joseph Koo is widely regarded as the godfather of HK pop music and many of his songs are regarded as classics. CU Chorus will present A Tribute to Joseph Koo concert, featuring choral arrangements of Koo's classic songs by a group of young composers which comprises of many CUHK alumni.
    Certificate Course in Obesity and Weight Management – Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity

    Special Departmental Activities
    @ CUHK Alumni Homecoming (29 Nov)

    The 7 People You Meet in CUHK

    Read the latest Orientation Day brochure published by the Information Service's Office to checkout the 7 types of people that current students can meet in CUHK. See how far it concurs with your own experience in your old school days.
    Online Polling

    (View last polling results)
    Last issue answer: No. of buildings with Wi-Fi access points coverage - ~90

    Which of the following 2014 CUHK Alumni Homecoming activities will you wish to join the most on 29 Nov?
    ‧Talks (travel, healthcare and entrepreneurship)
    ‧Thematic visits (e.g. University Gallery, University Library, Art Museum, Chinese Herbal Garden and Museum of Climate Change)
    ‧Carnival stalls, children programmes and street magic
    ‧Bus tour (open-top double decker / campus bus)
    ‧Variety show

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    Copyright © 2025. Alumni Affairs Office, CUHK
    Please send enquiries, suggestions and contributions to cu.aao@cuhk.edu.hk
    Address: Rm 301, 3/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong
    Tel: 3943 7861 Fax: 2603 6226