Issue 002
Sep 2014
	Faculty of Arts eNewsletter
	The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Result of Research Grants

1) General Research Fund (GRF) / Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2014-15

No.Principal Investigator(s)DeptType of SchemeProject Title
1Professor Joseph BoscoANTGRFPesticides and Pollution: Sustainable Agriculture and the Risks of Development in Taiwan
2Professor Chan Nicholas LouisCHIGRFSecularization of a Canon: the Reception of Chu Ci in late Ming Period (ca.1500-1644)
3Professor Ngai Ling-tunCHIGRFA Study of the Hong Kong Literary Journal "Current Literature" (Dangdai wenyi)
4Professor Wong Nim YanCHIGRFPortraying June Fourth: A Discursive Study on Representations in Literature in Hong Kong
5Professor Cheung Lik KwanCRSGRFRemapping the Transcultural Modernity in Early Republican China: Chinese Leftist Intellectuals' Reception of Henri Bergson's Philosophy of Life
6Professor Jacobs KatrienCRSGRFTrans-Asian Women's Forum on Erotic/Pornographic Media and Cultural Affect
7Professor Lai Pan ChiuCRSGRFContemporary Chinese Christian Discourses on Religious Diversity
8Professor Lai Tsz Pang JohnCRSGRFTransforming Morality and Society: Chinese Jesuit Fiction and Drama in the Republican Era (1912-1937)
9Professor Wong Kun Chun, EricCRSGRFOpening the Greek World to All: Creating a Chinese-Greek Lexical Database of the New Testament
10Professor Wang Shiyuan WilliamFOAGRFCognitive Representation & Dynamics of Phonological Systems: The Case of Lexical Tone in Chinese
11Professor Chiu Peng ShengHISGRFCommercial Custom and Lawsuits in Suzhou and Chongqing in the Middle Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century China
12Professor Ian MorleyHISGRFAmerican Imperialism and the Philippines: National Development and Filipino Architects, 1898-1941
13Professor Puk Wing KinHISGRFBeijing: the other theatre of the Korean War (1592-1598)
14Professor Yip Hon MingHISGRFThe Last Generation of Spinsters in China: Revisiting a Regional Tradition, Its Gendered Implications and Transnational Perspective
15Professor Ng Wai Ming BenjaminJASGRFA Historical and Ethnographic Study of Hong Kong Cuisine in Heisei Japan
16Professor Peng GangLINGRFNeural Mechanism of Extrinsic Normalization in Vowel Perception
17Professor Wong Chun Man PatrickLINGRFMicrocephaly genes, language, and auditory processing
18Professor Yip Choy Yin VirginiaLINGRFInput conditions and bilingual development in Hong Kong children
19Professor Cheung Hoi Yan JoyMUSGRFBuilding Music and Virtues for Modern China: Chinese Musical Modernity Emerging from Shanghai, 1918-1937
20Professor Lee Tong SoonMUSGRFCantonese Music and Migrant Networks in Great Britain
21Professor Joseph JonesMUSECSAriadne auf Naxos Reexamined: Collaboration and the Creative Process
22Professor Nathan Christopher SeinenMUSECSProkofiev's Soviet Operas

2) Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) 2014-15

No.Principal Investigator(s)DeptProject Title
1Professor Lai Chi TimCRSA Religious Geography of Popular Temples in Guangzhou City from the Mid-Qing to the Republican Period: History, Space and Social Functions of Popular Temples

3) Direct Grants for Research 2013-14, Second Round

No.Principal Investigator(s)DeptProject Title
1Dr. Chen Ju-chenANTThe Mirage of Homes: A Photo-ethnographic Study of Migrant Workers' "Abandoned" Homes in China's Villages and Third Tier Cities「民工夢想家」:中國民工在鄉村和三線城市「荒廢」的家的影像民族誌研究
2Professor Jacobs KatrienCRSSex, Art, Afterglow: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Artistic and Sexual Interventions in Digital Media Cultures
3Professor Wu Ka MingCRSVolunteers as New citizens: volunteering from the NGOs' perspective in Beijing新市民與志願服務: 北京非政府組織的觀點
4Professor Kung Lap YanCRSTheology as Public Discourse and Christianity in China: A Case Study of Pentecostal Theology神學作為公共論述與中國基督教 -五旬宗神學個案研究
5Professor Helen ZhaoENGComputer-Mediated Interactions in Second Language Grammar Learning
6Professor Michael O'Sullivan ENGEast-West Humanities: A cross-cultural comparison of philosophies of education
7Professor Shusterman Noah CharlesHISMilitia Mania: Weapons and Citizens in the Early Modern Atlantic World
8Professor Mak Su YinMUSInteractions between Music Analysis and Music Performance: A Pilot Study
9Professor Cheung Joys Hoi YanMUSListening to the Rare Sounds: Guqin (古琴) Practice and History from Hong Kong to Antiquity
10Professor Lau Chong FukPHIA Deflationary Interpretation of Hegel's Metaphysics黑格爾形上學的虛化解釋
11Dr. Chow Ian CastorTRACompilation of a Mega-sized Chinese-English Parallel Corpus via Combining Heterogeneous Text Sets合併異種文本以建構大型中英雙語平行語料庫

4) Knowledge Transfer Project Fund 2013-14

No.Principal Investigator(s)DeptProject Title
1Professor Wong Patrick Chun Man
(Coordinating leader)
LINPromoting Healthy Brain Function in Elderly through Cognitive Training Programs and Social Activities
2Professor Wong Wai Ching Angela
(Coordinating leader)
CRSRepresentations of Active Ageing and Ageing-in-place: Elderly Participation and Cultural Intervention
3Professor Saulius Geniusas
(Coordinating leader)
PHIElderly Care and the Phenomenology of Pain
4Professor Tang Wai Lan Gladys
(Project Collaborator)
LINEnhancing Hong Kong Sign Language Education with Intelligent Recognition System
5Professor Tam Siu Mi MariaANTMulticulturalism in Action: Promoting Nepalese Culture as Local Heritage
6Professor Lee Tong SoonMUSThe Eight Classic Cantonese Operatic Song Cycles

5) Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Programme 2014-15

No.Principal Investigator(s)DeptProject Title
1Mr Chan Chi-keung
(PhD candidate)
PHILate Ming Confucianists On Immorality


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