1) General Research Fund (GRF) / Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2014-15
No. | Principal Investigator(s) | Dept | Type of Scheme | Project Title |
1 | Professor Joseph Bosco | ANT | GRF | Pesticides and Pollution: Sustainable Agriculture and the Risks of Development in Taiwan |
2 | Professor Chan Nicholas Louis | CHI | GRF | Secularization of a Canon: the Reception of Chu Ci in late Ming Period (ca.1500-1644) |
3 | Professor Ngai Ling-tun | CHI | GRF | A Study of the Hong Kong Literary Journal "Current Literature" (Dangdai wenyi) |
4 | Professor Wong Nim Yan | CHI | GRF | Portraying June Fourth: A Discursive Study on Representations in Literature in Hong Kong |
5 | Professor Cheung Lik Kwan | CRS | GRF | Remapping the Transcultural Modernity in Early Republican China: Chinese Leftist Intellectuals' Reception of Henri Bergson's Philosophy of Life |
6 | Professor Jacobs Katrien | CRS | GRF | Trans-Asian Women's Forum on Erotic/Pornographic Media and Cultural Affect |
7 | Professor Lai Pan Chiu | CRS | GRF | Contemporary Chinese Christian Discourses on Religious Diversity |
8 | Professor Lai Tsz Pang John | CRS | GRF | Transforming Morality and Society: Chinese Jesuit Fiction and Drama in the Republican Era (1912-1937) |
9 | Professor Wong Kun Chun, Eric | CRS | GRF | Opening the Greek World to All: Creating a Chinese-Greek Lexical Database of the New Testament |
10 | Professor Wang Shiyuan William | FOA | GRF | Cognitive Representation & Dynamics of Phonological Systems: The Case of Lexical Tone in Chinese |
11 | Professor Chiu Peng Sheng | HIS | GRF | Commercial Custom and Lawsuits in Suzhou and Chongqing in the Middle Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century China |
12 | Professor Ian Morley | HIS | GRF | American Imperialism and the Philippines: National Development and Filipino Architects, 1898-1941 |
13 | Professor Puk Wing Kin | HIS | GRF | Beijing: the other theatre of the Korean War (1592-1598) |
14 | Professor Yip Hon Ming | HIS | GRF | The Last Generation of Spinsters in China: Revisiting a Regional Tradition, Its Gendered Implications and Transnational Perspective |
15 | Professor Ng Wai Ming Benjamin | JAS | GRF | A Historical and Ethnographic Study of Hong Kong Cuisine in Heisei Japan |
16 | Professor Peng Gang | LIN | GRF | Neural Mechanism of Extrinsic Normalization in Vowel Perception |
17 | Professor Wong Chun Man Patrick | LIN | GRF | Microcephaly genes, language, and auditory processing |
18 | Professor Yip Choy Yin Virginia | LIN | GRF | Input conditions and bilingual development in Hong Kong children |
19 | Professor Cheung Hoi Yan Joy | MUS | GRF | Building Music and Virtues for Modern China: Chinese Musical Modernity Emerging from Shanghai, 1918-1937 |
20 | Professor Lee Tong Soon | MUS | GRF | Cantonese Music and Migrant Networks in Great Britain |
21 | Professor Joseph Jones | MUS | ECS | Ariadne auf Naxos Reexamined: Collaboration and the Creative Process |
22 | Professor Nathan Christopher Seinen | MUS | ECS | Prokofiev's Soviet Operas |
2) Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) 2014-15
No. | Principal Investigator(s) | Dept | Project Title |
1 | Professor Lai Chi Tim | CRS | A Religious Geography of Popular Temples in Guangzhou City from the Mid-Qing to the Republican Period: History, Space and Social Functions of Popular Temples |
3) Direct Grants for Research 2013-14, Second Round
No. | Principal Investigator(s) | Dept | Project Title |
1 | Dr. Chen Ju-chen | ANT | The Mirage of Homes: A Photo-ethnographic Study of Migrant Workers' "Abandoned" Homes in China's Villages and Third Tier Cities「民工夢想家」:中國民工在鄉村和三線城市「荒廢」的家的影像民族誌研究 |
2 | Professor Jacobs Katrien | CRS | Sex, Art, Afterglow: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Artistic and Sexual Interventions in Digital Media Cultures |
3 | Professor Wu Ka Ming | CRS | Volunteers as New citizens: volunteering from the NGOs' perspective in Beijing新市民與志願服務: 北京非政府組織的觀點 |
4 | Professor Kung Lap Yan | CRS | Theology as Public Discourse and Christianity in China: A Case Study of Pentecostal Theology神學作為公共論述與中國基督教 -五旬宗神學個案研究 |
5 | Professor Helen Zhao | ENG | Computer-Mediated Interactions in Second Language Grammar Learning |
6 | Professor Michael O'Sullivan | ENG | East-West Humanities: A cross-cultural comparison of philosophies of education |
7 | Professor Shusterman Noah Charles | HIS | Militia Mania: Weapons and Citizens in the Early Modern Atlantic World |
8 | Professor Mak Su Yin | MUS | Interactions between Music Analysis and Music Performance: A Pilot Study |
9 | Professor Cheung Joys Hoi Yan | MUS | Listening to the Rare Sounds: Guqin (古琴) Practice and History from Hong Kong to Antiquity |
10 | Professor Lau Chong Fuk | PHI | A Deflationary Interpretation of Hegel's Metaphysics黑格爾形上學的虛化解釋 |
11 | Dr. Chow Ian Castor | TRA | Compilation of a Mega-sized Chinese-English Parallel Corpus via Combining Heterogeneous Text Sets合併異種文本以建構大型中英雙語平行語料庫 |
4) Knowledge Transfer Project Fund 2013-14
No. | Principal Investigator(s) | Dept | Project Title |
1 | Professor Wong Patrick Chun Man (Coordinating leader) | LIN | Promoting Healthy Brain Function in Elderly through Cognitive Training Programs and Social Activities |
2 | Professor Wong Wai Ching Angela (Coordinating leader) | CRS | Representations of Active Ageing and Ageing-in-place: Elderly Participation and Cultural Intervention |
3 | Professor Saulius Geniusas (Coordinating leader) | PHI | Elderly Care and the Phenomenology of Pain |
4 | Professor Tang Wai Lan Gladys (Project Collaborator) | LIN | Enhancing Hong Kong Sign Language Education with Intelligent Recognition System |
5 | Professor Tam Siu Mi Maria | ANT | Multiculturalism in Action: Promoting Nepalese Culture as Local Heritage |
6 | Professor Lee Tong Soon | MUS | The Eight Classic Cantonese Operatic Song Cycles |
5) Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Programme 2014-15
No. | Principal Investigator(s) | Dept | Project Title |
1 | Mr Chan Chi-keung (PhD candidate) | PHI | Late Ming Confucianists On Immorality |