The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dec 01, 2012 Volume 76
Office of Academic Links(China)
Executive Exchange Programme

-  The 6th Cross-Strait Forum on Security Management of Universities

-  2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education


The 6th Cross-Strait Forum on Security Management of Universities


The 6th Cross-Strait Forum on Security Management of Universities was organized in Hong Kong by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the China Association of Higher Education Security (CAHES) from 6 to 9 November 2012, with the support from the Division of Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR. Previous forums have been held in Peking University, Shanghai University, Wuhan University in Mainland China, Chung Cheng University in Taiwan, and Macao Polytechnic Institute in Macau. The Forum was first hosted in Hong Kong.


The forum was kicked off on CUHK campus on 7 November 2012, officiated by Prof. Luo Yuting, Executive Vice Director-general of CAHES; Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Jyh-Yang Wu, President of Chung Cheng University; and Mr. Ji Jianjun, Division Chief of Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR.


The topics of this year were campus transport and security, university safety, information technology security and student psychological security. Participating offices in CUHK included Security and Transport Office, University Safety and Environment Office, Information Technology Services Centre and Office of Student Affairs with the Office of Academic Links (China) as the coordinating unit.


More than 120 representatives joined the event, comprising 90 participants from 67 institutions in Mainland China, 21 participants from 5 institutions in Hong Kong, 7 representatives from Taiwan and 2 from Macau. Specialists from the 4 regions delivered keynote speeches and gave presentations on security management in higher education context ranging from transport and campus environment, university safety, information security, student psychology, campus crime to fire service and campus surveillance system. 


The visits and meetings provided opportunities for the participants to share their experience on security management in higher education institutions without boundaries. Under a friendly atmosphere, participants not only obtained valuable knowledge, but also established stronger links with each other through this event.



2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education


The 5th Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers was launched on 12 November 2012. With the support from the Ministry of Education (MOE), 29 academic links executives from various mainland universities participated in the programme. Senior members of CUHK, including Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Gordon Cheung, Associate-Pro-Vice-Chancellor, warmly welcomed the participants. 


Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, officiated at the opening ceremony with Mr. Ai Hongge, Deputy Director, Office of Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs, MOE, Mr Wallace Lau Ka Ki, Acting Vice-Secretary General of the Education Bureau, HKSAR and Mr. Li Lu, Deputy Director-General of Department of Educational, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR.


The 7-day programme consisted of a series of lectures and visits to universities in Hong Kong, through which participants came to have a better understanding of the academic exchange, college system, human resources management, special caring for non-local students and fund-raising activities in higher education institutions, as well as the education system in Hong Kong. The participants also had chances to learn basic Cantonese and to pay visits to the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR and cultural spots of Hong Kong so as to acquire a broader picture of Hong Kong.


Apart from getting to know each other, participants from different universities in Hong Kong and in the Mainland were provided with a valuable opportunity via this programme to enhance mutual understanding, further paving the way for future cooperation.

The 6th Forum on Security Management of Cross-Strait Universities: representatives from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan participate in the 6th Forum on Security Management of Cross-Strait Universities on CUHK campus

The 6th Forum on Security Management of Cross-Strait Universities: Prof. Ching Pak Chung delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum

The 6th Forum on Security Management of Cross-Strait Universities: Prof. Luo Yuting, Executive Vice Director-general of the China Association of Higher Education Security delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum

The 6th Forum on Security Management of Cross-Strait Universities: Members of the organizing committee of the 6th Forum on Security Management of Cross-Strait Universities

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers: Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the programme

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers: Mr. Ai Hongge, Deputy Director, Office of Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs, MOE delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the programme

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers: Mr Wallace Lau Ka Ki, Acting Vice-Secretary General of the Education Bureau, HKSAR delivers a speech on the development of tertiary education in Hong Kong

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers: Mr. Li Lu, Deputy Director-General of Department of Educational, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the programme

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers: The delegation visits New Asia College

2012 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers: The delegation visits the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR

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