The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dec 01, 2013 Volume 89
Office of Academic Links(China)
Executive Exchange Program

2013 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

The 6th Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers was launched from 11 to 17 November 2013. With the support from the Ministry of Education (MOE), 27 academic links executives from various mainland universities participated in the programme. Senior members of CUHK, including Prof. Hau Kit Tai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Gordon Cheung, Associate-Pro-Vice-Chancellor, warmly welcomed the participants. 

Prof. Hau Kit Tai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, officiated at the opening ceremony with Ms. An Yan, Deputy Director, Office of Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs, MOE, Ms. Yong Pui Wan, Principal Assistant Secretary of Education Bureau, HKSAR and Mr. Ji Jianjun Vice Inspector of Department of Educational, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR.

The 7-day programme consisted of a series of lectures and visits to universities in Hong Kong, through which participants came to have a better understanding of the academic exchange, college system, human resources management, special caring for non-local students and fund-raising activities in higher education institutions, as well as the education system in Hong Kong. The participants also had chances to learn basic Cantonese and to pay visits to the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR and cultural spots of Hong Kong so as to acquire a broader picture of Hong Kong.

Apart from getting to know each other, participants from different universities in Hong Kong and in the Mainland were provided with a valuable opportunity via this programme to enhance mutual understanding, further paving the way for future cooperation.

2013 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

2013 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

2013 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

2013 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

2013 Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

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