ITSC eNewsletter, Issue 162 18 Aug, 2015

1. CUHK Student Notebook Ownership Program 2015
2. Free Download & Renewal of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Software
3. University Software Standards and ITSC Windows 10 Support
4. Switchover from PABX Phone System to IP Phone System by Late 2016
5. From Auto-charging to Octopus-charging Printing
6. Ransomware, Kidnapping You from Far
7. Feature: In & Out of ITSC Services in 2015

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6. Ransomware, Kidnapping You from Far

Recently, there is an increasing no. of crypto ransomware victims.

What is crypto ransomware?

This ransomware attacks victims through phishing emails with look of legitimate emails such as phony FedEx and UPS tracking notices. Once you open an anonymous attachment, hackers will encrypt your files in computers, and even network drives to ask for your ransom money.

Prevent to be a Victim

  1. Alert to the suspicious email.
    • Do not open the attachment, especially compress files (.zip,.7zip,.rar) or executable files (.exe)
    • Do not follow unsolicited weblinks in email messages
  2. Backup files regularly and keep it in a safe place to avoid being affected by the malware.
  3. Install and maintain up-to-date anti-virus software.
  4. Keep your operating system and software up-to-date with the latest patches.


Beware of ransomware.

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