Aug 2017     Issue 5
Continued Success in Obtaining Research Grants, GRF-ECS 2017-18

The Faculty of Engineering continues to demonstrate its excellence in research grant applications. In the most recent General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2017/18 submission exercise administrated by the Research Grant Council (RGC), the Faculty secured a total of $31.6M from 53 funded projects, recording an increase of about 9% in both the number of funded projects and the total funding amount as compared to last year's results.

In terms of success rates, the Faculty is proud to achieve 51.5% which is considered the best in the engineering discipline among all UGC-funded institutions this year. 10% of the funded proposals received a full score of 5.0 in the rigorous peer review conducted by the RGC subject panels.

Notwithstanding the strong competition in GRF applications, the Engineering Faculty members are consistently performing well. In the past 15 years, more than half of the faculty members have maintained a promising success rate of over 50% obtained by dividing the total number of awarded projects by that of  submissions.

In particular, the most remarkable achievements go to Prof. Jie Huang who achieves a 100% success rate in GRF applications. He has consecutively applied for and received GRF funding for 22 years since he joined MAE in 1995. Congratulations to Prof. Huang on his outstanding achievements.

		Prof. Jie Huang
Prof. Jie Huang
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