The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jun 01, 2016 Volume 121
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange Activities

Invitation to Lecture Series by Academia Sinica (AS) Academicians

We are proud to present to you the Lecture Series by Academia Sinica (AS) Academicians which will be held on June 20, 2016 (Monday).  AS Academician Prof. Hsia Po-Chia will deliver a public lecture (in English) and share his expertise with us.  All are welcome to join the event.  Details are as follows:


Speaker: Prof. Hsia Po-Chia, Humanities and Social Sciences, AS

Topic: Empires and Christianity: the Christian Mission in Late Imperial China

Moderator: Prof. Hsiung Ping Chen, Director of Research Institute for the Humanities

Time: 16:00-17:30

Venue: Room 202, Fung King Hey Building


Prof. Hsia Po-Chia is currently an Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of History in Pennsylvania State University.  He has been teaching in various distinguished institutions in the United States, including New York University, University of Massachusetts, Cornell University and Columbia University.  Prof. Hsia attained his doctoral degree in History from Yale University in 1982.  His academic achievement was recognized by various awards, with Academician of Academia Sinica being conferred in 2000.  He has also published more than 20 books and nearly 150 articles and essays.  Instead of solely English, the research languages of Prof. Hsia also include Latin, Greek, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.


For online registration and lecture details, please visit our webpage at  Enquiries can be directed to Miss Jennifer Chan of our office at 39438728 or via


We look forward to seeing you on June 20!

Prof. Hsia Po-Chia, Academician of Academia Sinica, will visit CUHK on June 20 (Monday) for a public lecture

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