Annual meeting of Mainland and HK-Macao Academic Exchange Professionals Association was held in Hong Kong on 30 June 2014. About 40 representatives comprising representatives from Education, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) in HKSAR, and administrators from 8 Hong Kong tertiary institutions and 12 Mainland and Macau institutions attended the event.
At the meeting, participants gave presentations on related topics in academic collaboration and student exchange development between Mainland China and Hong Kong. Discussions were held on the challenges and strategies in forging exchange and collaboration in higher education between the two regions. Participating institutions also agreed on the mission and future development of the Association. The meeting allowed the heads in academic exchange units from the regions to share their experience and establish stronger links with each other.
Mainland and HK-Macao Academic Exchange Professionals Association was found in 2014 by 8 local tertiary institutions and 12 Mainland and Macau universities with the support from LOCPG, aiming to promoting communication and enhance collaboration between academic exchange administrators in higher education sector of the two regions. General meeting among member institutions will be held every year.