Phishing scams are usually fraudulent e-mail messages appearing to be from organizations you trust, like your bank, credit card company, or even CUHK. They can also come in the forms of websites, phone calls or text messages. No matter in what way they come or who they appear to be coming from, their main purpose is to trick people into disclosing personal and sensitive data such as password, ID or bank account information. Currently no technical solution can 100% block phishing attempts, so, it is important that you learn to spot phishing tricks to protect yourself and your personal information.
Phishing scams can be very easy to be spotted and are avoidable if you are cautious enough. You should train yourself
• To be suspicious of any e-mails/text messages/phone calls that ask for your password or other sensitive information
• Not to respond to any unsolicited e-mails/text messages/phone calls by providing the information they want or by clicking the links they provided
• To proactively verify the legitimacy of the e-mails or websites by checking with the legitimate organizations directly.
Do note that CUHK will never ask you to send your password or to update account information over e-mail. If you suspect you received a phishing e-mail in your CUHK e-mail box or you are visiting a fraudulent CUHK website, please e-mail