The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 01, 2011 Volume 61
Office of Academic Links(China)
Summer Student Interflow Activities

This summer, over 100 CUHK students participated in exchange tours to Mainland China and Taiwan through the coordination of the Office of Academic Links (China). These tours were hosted by various universities and institutions including Beihang University, Central South University, Chongqing University, Fudan University, He Fei University of Technology, Nanjing University, Shaanxi Normal University, Southwest University, Xiamen University, and Taiwan Central University and Wu Ta-you Foundation.

A great diversity of activities was offered to our students with themes in art, social service, law, cultural studies, space technology, ecology, covering areas from culture, politic, academic to science and technology. Please click here for details and students' sharing.


The tours provided students with participation in academic seminars, talks, campus tour, visits of natural heritage and historical sites, as well as meetings and exchange, to experience a different style of life, understanding the development of political and economic aspects, education, history and culture in the mainland and Taiwan. Links were built between students of CUHK and students from the mainland and Taiwan during the activities, which serve as a valuable opportunity for academic and personal growth.

Ryan Tsang, student of Biology of CUHK (1st from left, back row) and some participants with the chairman of Wu Ta-You Foundation, Prof. Cheng-Wen Wu and Mrs. Cheng (1st and 2nd from right, front row)

CUHK students participate in the student tour organized by Fudan University

CUHK students participate in the student tour organized by Xiamen University

:: Back to This Issue
:: Memorandum of Understanding on Clinical Genomics Collaboration between the CUHK and BGI
:: Visit of Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology
:: VC Meets Students of Beichuan High School
:: CUHK Vice-Chancellor Attends the 26th Universiade and the World University Presidents Forum
:: Visit of Delegation from Ningbo University
:: Delegation from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
:: Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Postgraduate Students 2011 Successfully Launched
:: Summer Student Interflow Activities
:: Other Important Visits
:: Forthcoming Activities
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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