ITSC eNewsletter, Issue 162 18 Aug, 2015

1. CUHK Student Notebook Ownership Program 2015
2. Free Download & Renewal of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Software
3. University Software Standards and ITSC Windows 10 Support
4. Switchover from PABX Phone System to IP Phone System by Late 2016
5. From Auto-charging to Octopus-charging Printing
6. Ransomware, Kidnapping You from Far
7. Feature: In & Out of ITSC Services in 2015

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7. Feature: In & Out of ITSC Services in 2015

An academic year has been over. Let's review what the old and new of ITSC services!



@Link has replaced CUHK Webmail to be the CUHK student email service on 1 Aug, 2015. It carries:

CUHK OnePass

It allows University staff, students & alumni to access a number of CUHK online systems and services with a single login and enhanced security.

More CUHK online systems will join CUHK OnePass soon!

New CU Link Card Centre

CU Link Card Centre has been newly moved to Room 804, 8/F, WMY Building, CUHK. It offers:

  • CU Link Card issuance / Claiming
  •  ResNet cable sales
  •  Digital certificates verification


CUHK Student Webmail

It has been decommissioned and replaced by @Link on 1 Aug 2015. Students now

  • FAIL to enter Webmail mailbox or retrieve the emails inside
  • FAIL to send / receive emails with &

CUHK Server Certificates

As announced in the industry, the use of the SHA-1 algorithm in SSL and code signing certificates will be deprecated starting from 2016 because of its security vulnerability. In view of this, ITSC is gradually sun-setting the SHA-1 applied CUHK Server Certificates by 31 Dec, 2015. 

New ITSC service in 2015.

We hope you enjoy reading the ITSC eNewsletter. As always, we would like to know how you think about the ITSC eNewsletter and how we can make it more useful to you. Please write your comment to ITSC Service Desk.

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