An academic year has been over. Let's review what the old and new of ITSC services! In @Link | @Link has replaced CUHK Webmail to be the CUHK student email service on 1 Aug, 2015. It carries: | CUHK OnePass | It allows University staff, students & alumni to access a number of CUHK online systems and services with a single login and enhanced security. More CUHK online systems will join CUHK OnePass soon! | New CU Link Card Centre | CU Link Card Centre has been newly moved to Room 804, 8/F, WMY Building, CUHK. It offers: - CU Link Card issuance / Claiming
- ResNet cable sales
- Digital certificates verification
Out CUHK Student Webmail | It has been decommissioned and replaced by @Link on 1 Aug 2015. Students now - FAIL to enter Webmail mailbox or retrieve the emails inside
- FAIL to send / receive emails with &
| CUHK Server Certificates | As announced in the industry, the use of the SHA-1 algorithm in SSL and code signing certificates will be deprecated starting from 2016 because of its security vulnerability. In view of this, ITSC is gradually sun-setting the SHA-1 applied CUHK Server Certificates by 31 Dec, 2015. |

New ITSC service in 2015.